Sunday, December 5, 2010

Life Beginning at 31 Starts with Complete Detox....

What did I just do?  Ever have those moments?  I started a blog and put it out there in the universe.  I mean who will know if i cheat and don't complete what I just talked about.

Me, me, me.

I have very rarely committed to something in life and followed through.  I don't know where that came from.  When I was serving in the US Army I was forced to.  Now it just seems like I say I want to quit smoking, quit eating junk, save my money rather than going out...., but no I never do commit to going all the way on an issue to see what the result will be.

So how am I gonna go about doing all of these overwhelming things that I mentioned.

DETOX!  Sometimes in life it comes to a point, and I think that's this Life at 31 notion, that all of the bad stuff, clutter, and S*** need to go.  It's like why am I holding onto this stuff.

So since I hit post on my first blog entry.  I have thrown everything away that I haven't touched, used or worn in the last 6 months.  Additionally, any excess junk that I simply don't need.  I am currently doing the normal chores that I have normally done on a Sunday (laundry, clean the apartment, get things ready for work), but this afternoon, I went to refrigerator, and threw out all of the crap that I buy that's not healthy or in excess....(Soda...cakes, pizzas, crap food)....Next it was time to sort through any clothes I haven't worn and that could really benefit by grouping everything up and sending it off to charity.  There's nothing like getting a grouping of stuff together for someone in need.  Not for the vanity of doing it, but simply for doing it out of love.  I have been stuck on myself for many days, months, years, and seconds.  This Narcissicst (sp?) needs to be kicked to the curb! 

Anything relate to you about what's I've said?  Maybe so, maybe not, but I hope it's an encouragement to you, and while life is beginning at 31 for me I feel, it doesn't matter where you are at in age, all of this can be helpful.

Tonight, I will be going to bed early instead of watching the tv shows I have repeatedly wasted my life getting caught up in....useless, junk for the mind, when I could be a better instrument of my time....focusing on my gi bill, college applications, and miscellaneous.

Ok ok, I have put it out there, now it's time for me to keep it up.....stay tuned....tomorrow is gonna be a struggle....I am committed to no smoking, no soda pop, and 3 healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, + a workout.  Find out tomorrow did the age of 31 overtake Greg, or did Greg beat the S***  out of 31.

Right now, I have no idea........I hope to do good.

See you tomorrow.  (This bug (me) has a major uphill climb)

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