Monday, December 6, 2010

Life Beginning at 31....Can be as simple as M&M's.

The cell phone alarm clock went off at 430a.m. and I thought who are you kidding?  It went off again at 435a.m. and thus I got up.  Just like anything else in life that I want bad.  It's one foot in front of the other.

These feet though were tired, cold, and barefoot.  I realized that I didn't know the code to the apartment's complex and normally when just the minimalist of obstacles would send me racing for the covers, I switched into a gear of your up and you might as well let the suffering begin.

So with pandora music on play I completed many of the exercises that I completed in the early morning hours of the US Army.  There were stretches, and situps, flutter kicks, the fire hydrant, and the superman.

Please feel free to ask me what those exercises mean, but I am sure imagining a roly-poly-volle in various positions will be comedy in itself.

I proceeded to get ready for the day and put on a tie to complete the transformation look.  Even though I don't need to wear a tie to work, it just felt good to be spit-spot.

Then with my pre-packaged lunch in tow (powerade, water bottle, oatmeal, fruit, soup) it was off to tackle the day.  What was in store for me?  A rude attitude?  No.  Manic because I felt I needed caffiene more than any heroin junkie ever needed there fix? No.

It was just an ordinary day of doing what's expected without the desperation of needing the 2 liters of mountain dew I usually drank in a day, or the nicotine fix that I thought was needed after blaming the Army that it was their fault I did this.  Nope it was a good day.  I stuck to the plan - a handful of M&Ms.  I felt guilty for eating them, but I realized hey celebrate the minor accomplishments you did today.  No cigarettes and no soda!

Do you always feel desperate to find out the bad in your life when really there could be good that gets overlooked?  I sure have and it's created a cynical existence which like the old saying go, is neither desired or required.

Additionally, how much did I spend today absolutely ZERO dollars.  That was the most exciting part of my day.

So wherever you are in life just know that it's one foot in front of the other, it will take dedication, and most importantly look to handful of M&M's as a symbol that hey you did something great today rather than not good enough!

Will tomorrow be as simple as candy?  I hope so, this will be a ROCKY ROAD this week.....oh look Ice Cream..........


  1. Greg, you are a great writer. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. Keep dishing out this good stuff.
